The Top 10 things I am thankful for this year are (I'm doing this Letterman style starting with #10-however, these are in no particular order except for my #1):
10. My new condo...what can I say, I just love it. My view is to die for!
9. Getting to return to Cape Town on another globalX mission trip. God is good.
8. Finally landing a job after 8 months of unemployment.
7. Georgia, the best dog in the entire world. She always brightens my day and makes my heart happy.
6. My new sister-in-law. I've always wanted a sister, and now I have one...well really I have two because she has a sister :)
5. Friends. My friends are the most amazingly loyal friends ever. I hope that I am the friend to them that they are to me.
4. Having the opportunity to get baptized at my church. What a wonderful experience that I will never forget.
3. Family. They are the best!
2. The hope I still have after a very tough year. I have a feeling that 2010 is going to rock my world.
1. God sending His son to die on the cross for our sins. I can't imagine a better gift than that.
I hope all of you have a very blessed
and Happy Thanksgiving
filled with love, laughter, and fond memories.